Co-Founder & Art Director

In the world of artistry and design, there exists a creative force named Meysam Hame Ei. With a Bachelor’s degree in visual communication, Meysam has embarked on a profound journey spanning seven years, dancing among the colors and shapes of professional graphic design and graphic art.

The heart of Meysam is drawn to graphic design by the enchanting challenge it presents. This art form, with its ever-shifting canvases, is like a siren’s song, beckoning the soul to explore and conquer. It is here, amidst the swirling whirlpools of creativity, that Meysam finds their true calling.

In the recent chapters of their artistic saga, Meysam’s talents have ventured into diverse realms, including Branding, Research, Strategy, Digital Media, Identity, and Campaigns. The canvas of their creativity has expanded to encompass the graceful strokes of calligraphy, the vivid hues of painting, and the intricate craft of silk screen printing. With each endeavor, they believe they are weaving a richer tapestry of experience to enhance their design work.

But Meysam’s journey is not confined to the well-trodden path alone. Their spirit yearns for the unexplored, the yet-to-be-discovered facets of design and its interconnected disciplines. With each step they take, their desire to learn and grow remains an eternal flame, casting a warm, inviting glow over the pages of their career.

To illuminate Meysam’s journey further, their accolades and invitations serve as shining beacons along their path. These acknowledgments from around the world are a testament to the impact of their work and a testament to their undeniable talent.

Through the lens of exhibitions, Meysam’s artistic vision has touched global stages. From Iran to Mexico, Ecuador to Poland, their creations have been showcased, weaving stories that transcend borders and language. Their work has painted vivid strokes in the grand tapestry of international art and design, leaving a lasting impression in every corner of the world.

Meysam’s journey is an ode to the pursuit of artistic excellence, an eternal dance of creativity and a testament to the enduring spirit of exploration in the world of design.
