Brand Manager

In the vast expanse of time, Sara Mozayan emerges as a radiant soul, born amidst the whispers of Ahwaz in 1980, now finding her rhythm in the bustling heart of Tehran, Iran. For close to two decades, her journey has been a poetic dance, a symphony of collaboration with remarkable clients that resonates through the corridors of creativity.

Sara’s artistic voyage is a tale of crafting brand identities, brand books, and social media designs that transcend the conventional and delve into the realm of emotional resonance. Her hands, guided by an intuitive artistry, have left an indelible mark on the visual stories of diverse brands, each collaboration a unique melody in her creative repertoire.

In the sanctum of education, Sara’s quest for knowledge found a profound resonance at Mahan Business School. Here, the art of brand management became not just a subject of study but a passion to be embraced. A member of the Iranian Graphic Designers Society (IGDS), Sara is not merely an artist; she is a part of a collective heartbeat, a pulsating rhythm that beats in unison with the creative pulse of her homeland.

In the most recent chapters of her journey, Sara donned the mantle of a brand management virtuoso. Through her work with various companies, she became an architect of positive transformation, earning accolades not just from corporate entities but, more importantly, from the very heartbeat of her profession—the customers. The echo of their satisfaction became a testament to her dedication and the resonance of her creative vision.

Sara Mozayan’s story is a poetic narrative, an unfolding tapestry woven with threads of passion, education, and the indomitable spirit of creativity. Her journey continues, an odyssey that paints the canvas of the creative world with strokes of brilliance and echoes of positive impact.
