Graphic design and design, to me, is a strange and unknown world that I strive to discover a drop of every day. Alongside reading books, watching documentaries, and participating in classes and workshops in various design fields, strengthening software skills is currently one of my priorities. I am currently taking a course at Inverse School to enhance my software skills, and another significant activity of mine is attending classes and learning German.

Diploma in graphic design / Isfahan Associate / Graphic Design / Valiasr University, Tehran BA/Graphic Design / Valiasr University, Tehran, Teaching graphic conceptual art and installation for teenagers in Isfahan.

Participation in the international competition in Poland with the theme of Corona installation Course on poster design and sign design under the supervision of Professor Azam Razaghi Adobe software course at Nasl Farda Institute Adobe Illustrator software course at Invers School Adobe Photoshop software course at Invers School Adobe After Effects software course at Invers School Specialized course in logo typography under the supervision of Professor Iraj Mirzakhani.
